Archives For November 30, 1999

We lead.. with our thoughts.
Just kidding, but we do have some thoughts we’d love to share with you.

It’s been a little over a month since ExpensiCon 3. I can still see the sunlight beautifully setting on the white-washed Puglian walls of Borgo Egnazia. While memories of the beauty and relationships made there will last me a lifetime, the lessons learned can serve us all immediately.  ExpensiCons are meant to be a special kind of conference that creates a special kind of result. Our locations are meant to inspire. Our events are meant to encourage collaboration. Our content is meant to push us further. Our guest lists are put together to shape the future of the industry. It really is a special event. We like to think of it as the Davos of accounting, and it’s getting pretty damn close. 

With any great conference, the hope is that you leave much smarter than when you showed up. It had been 5 years since our last ExpensiCon, and this one left me with more important lessons than any before.

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Thinking about expanding your accounting firm’s services to include Client Accounting Services (CAS) for small businesses? That’s a smart move! Today, we’ll show you how to level up your CAS business with the help of Expensify, the ultimate super-app for small businesses.

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Since 2011, Expensify’s unique and autonomous work culture has made our company a model for remote work. Our commitment to providing employees with the freedom to manage their own schedules and workloads has resulted in a reputation for innovation, creativity, and collaboration.

At the core of Expensify’s success is a deep commitment to trusting our employees, which replaces traditional management structures that result in micromanagement and strict oversight. Employees are empowered to work when and where they choose, as long as they follow the company’s “Two Rules”: Get Shit Done & Don’t Ruin it for Everyone Else.  These two rules are built on Expensify core qualities: Talent, Ambition, & Humility, and are identified as the most crucial for the Expensify team to cultivate to ensure its long-term success.

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If you haven’t given it a go yourself, do it. It’s a really fun tool to play around with. I’ve used it to proofread my writing, help plan an upcoming trip, and am exploring how to integrate it into the Expensify app. So naturally, I decided to ask ChatGPT, “What is the best expense management app?”

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Spend Trends is our analysis of today’s most popular, fastest-growing, and emerging business expense trends. As you can imagine, after 10+ years in the expense management game, we’ve gathered some pretty cool insights into the top trends in business spending. We’re excited to share them with you!

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While we’ve heard about automation and AI for some time, 2018 was the year where technology was more fully embraced by accounting practices and their customers in the UK. According to Accounting Today’s “Year Ahead” Survey, adoption of cloud accounting is now between 45% and 58% depending on the size of firm, and the global accounting software market is estimated to be worth $11.6 billion by 2026. Continue Reading…

Last week I spoke with Byron Reese, the host of Gigaom’s “Voices in AI” podcast. We chatted about everything from what the “artificial” in AI really means to the importance of what’s in front of the curtain rather than what’s behind the curtain, and how AI can be used to solve real-world problems by focusing less on advanced technologies and more on what we can do with that technology.

Read or listen to the full podcast here!

Tips and tricks for scaling SQLite for 4M real-ish queries per second on a single server, and how bare metal compares to EC2 for this workload.

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Nobody likes to talk about firing.  It’s not something to celebrate: if you need to fire someone it means you screwed up.  Either you hired the wrong person, or — more common — you hired the right person, but failed to enable their success.  Either way, the blame falls on the company (not the individual), so it’s no surprise that companies tend to avoid talking about their failures.

But despite that discomfort, firing is an important topic because in the long run, careful application of firing is actually more important than hiring.  To understand why, consider this simple chart:

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There’s an old adage in Silicon Valley:

A people hire other A people, while B people hire C people.

Said another way, great people want to work with other great people, but not-so-great people prefer to work with people worse than themselves.  This is because great people love to be challenged by their peers, while not-so-great people prefer not to be challenged at all.

The Vicious Cycle of Mediocrity

It’s easy to agree with the above in theory.  But building a company that adheres to this in practice is very, very hard.  So hard that extremely few companies actually do it, despite the best of intentions along the way.  You can tell if your company is doing it by seeing if it’s followed this path:  Continue Reading…