Archives For November 30, 1999

Things we can’t keep to ourselves because IT’S JUST THAT EXCITING!

At Expensify, we’re fiercely dedicated to helping our partners assist their clients and grow their businesses. We already go above and beyond in assisting clients by providing free accounts for staff and discounted subscription pricing for clients.

To further help our partners we’re excited to introduce a game-changing addition to our ExpensifyApproved! Accountants program: the 0.5% revenue share on all client Expensify Card purchases. This new feature is designed to supercharge your earnings and amplify the benefits you receive as a valued partner.

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In today’s rapidly evolving business environment, efficiency and control over expenses are more crucial than ever. This calls for strategies that not only empower employees but also align with the company’s financial goals. One powerful tool that achieves this harmony is a corporate credit card. Now, some might be scratching their heads, wondering, “A corporate credit card? Isn’t that just another thing to manage?” But let’s dive into the world of corporate credit cards and see why they’re not just beneficial but essential. 

Imagine a startup embarking on its first business adventure, pinching pennies, and counting every expense. Or picture a multinational giant with thousands of transactions flying around the globe every day. Both organizations need something to bring order to the chaos, something to replace the proverbial manila envelope filled with paper receipts.

That’s where the corporate credit card comes in, a beacon of simplicity for businesses at all levels.

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In a world where injustice still persists, the team here at Expensify wanted to take a step forward to create a lasting social impact in our communities. Through our 501c3 charity, our company has initiated a transformative movement aimed at solving some of society’s most pressing issues. In this blog post, we will explore the core values of Expensify Inc, the mission behind, and how Inc’s technology is utilized to support Org’s volunteers around the world. Additionally, we will delve into the latest campaign, “Teachers Unite,” and provide readers with ways to contribute and make a meaningful difference.

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Expensify is deeply committed to supporting local communities, and our own neighborhoods are no exception. Just across the street from Expensify HQ in downtown Portland, we’ve been quietly working away on our latest endeavor: Midtown Beer Garden.

Nestled at the northeast corner of SW Harvey Milk St and SW 5th Avenue, this iconic location houses the oldest and largest collection of food carts in the city. Expensify has taken over the lease and worked diligently to transform this space into something new, inclusive, and uplifting for the community.

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In the contemporary landscape of business, technology, and daily life, the pursuit of efficiency often takes over everything else. You have probably heard the phrase “save time, save money” a thousand times over from a wide range of businesses from launderettes to print shops to accounting firms. Organizations champion streamlined processes and time-saving methods as pivotal drivers of success – Expensify included. Back in 2008, Expensify emerged as trailblazers in changing the boring task of expenses, enabling employees to get their time back and do more interesting things, exactly as our motto suggests;  “you weren’t born to do expenses”. But as we march through 2023 and towards 2024, (eek) we have come to realize the critical importance of harmonizing efficiency with accuracy and how the mix of both is the actual recipe for success. 

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While Expensify is known for its spend management superapp, some may be surprised to learn that the people behind Expensify operate with a relatively modest team of around ~135 individuals hailing from all corners of the globe. Even more surprising is that over 66% of staff have been with the company over 4 years, while 50% have worked at Expensify for over 6 years!

After hearing those stats, many people ask us, “what’s the secret to employee retention at Expensify, and why are people sticking around so long?” 
We’ve broken down the core elements of Expensify’s employee retention into four parts below, which we believe contribute to our employee’s happiness and growth – resulting in- staff choosing to stick around for the long-term.

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Expense reporting plays a critical role in managing business finances. However, it’s no secret that employees can find the process of submitting receipts tedious and time-consuming, so they put off the task for days, weeks, or even months.

At Expensify, we understand the challenges faced by organizations to get employees to submit receipts, which is why we built our receipt scanner app to simplify the process for everyone.  These are our top tips on the most effective ways to use Expensify to get employees to submit expenses reliably!

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Developers, Coders, SysAdmins, Site Reliability Engineers — no matter your title, we all have something in common: there are infinite possibilities of what can go wrong in the code, so learning from others mistakes is one of the best ways to increase our collective knowledge. 

If you were trying to get shit done on your expense reports around 3:30am UTC on the morning of Friday 16th June, then you would have noticed we had a site outage. We want to share the details of our Incident Response, not just to enhance our own learnings and behaviors for next time, but to spread that knowledge with our community as well.

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Business travel has changed dramatically over the past few years. How often, where, and when people travel for work has been upended due to work-from-home opportunities and flexible schedules. Deloitte produced a travel study earlier this year which predicted, “full recovery to 2019 spend volume appears likely by late 2024 or early 2025, adjusting for lost growth and inflation indicates that in real terms, corporate travel will likely be smaller than it was prior to the pandemic.”

As companies adjust to this new normal and possibly look to ramp up employee travel in the near future, they need innovative solutions for controlling their employee’s travel spend. Luckily, Expensify customers can look to the Expensify Card to simplify the entire process of managing spend and receipts before, during, and after a trip. Let’s take a look at all the ways the Expensify Card can assist your team during their next business trip.

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It’s not uncommon to find that cannabis has become more widely accepted in American society over the last few years, so the Expensify and Bridge West team have teamed up to provide a webinar on best practices for growing and scaling your cannabis company.

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