Archives For November 30, 1999

You can add receipt images to your reports with or without expense information. Depending on the information you’ve added to your receipts, you’ll find them in different locations of your report.

Receipt Thumbnails

Receipt images added to a report with corresponding expense information are listed in the expenses list and the Receipt Thumbnails section immediately below it.

Report Attachments

Report Attachments are images added to a report that are not attached to an expense and do not contain minimum expense information. Minimum expense information includes a Merchant Name, Date, and Amount. Without these distinctions, receipt images will be added to the Attachments section of a report. Why attach an image without any expense information? Report Attachments serve as supporting documentation for the expense report. The most common uses of the Report Attachment are pre-approval documents and insurance forms, but you can utilize this feature for any of your supporting documentation needs.

While this distinction is basic, it’s definitely a good thing to know when putting your report together. If you have any questions about Report Attachments, Receipt Thumbnails, or any of our features please feel free to contact our support team at