Archives For November 30, 1999

Duplicate expenses are a pain for everyone, so we’re finally doing something about it.

The Problem

Whether intentional, or not, duplicate expenses are an issue. Duplicate expenses create more work for both the submitter and the approver. They are a core task in auditing to be sought out and destroyed!

The Solution

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Hello! Conor here from the Success Coach team in Expensify. We’re pretty keen on shaking things up when they need a shake, and we’ve recently updated the look of our expense reports and the mobile app SmartScan flow for the better. We’ve also been working hard to prepare for the Real-Time Expense Report revolution, with the eventual goal that an employee won’t need to do an expense report at all, it’ll all just happen. All of this required that we re-think how we organize the policy editor and tidy things up.  Continue Reading…