Archives For November 30, 1999

The Push for Inbox0

Puneet Lath —  March 17, 2017 — 2 Comments

People download the Expensify app for all kinds of reasons: accountants looking for a better (read: less shoebox-shaped) way to collect receipts from clients, employees sick of submitting taped receipts to their boss, and even individuals who just want an easy way to track how often they’re eating Taco Bell (me; too often). One of the major challenges we’ve faced is how to ensure that Expensify works for everyone without requiring tedious configuration. Enter Inbox. Continue Reading…

Winter is in full force across the US and we have been in full force rolling out all kinds of new features. The team also took a couple of weeks to focus on product stability and take care of some bugs that have been lingering for a while. All in all, a productive January indeed!
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