Archives For November 30, 1999

Hello everyone out in Expensify Land! Today we write with two mission-critical questions:

1. What reporting requirements does your company have that our application has not yet addressed?
2. What features could we add that aren’t required but would simply make your life easier?

Sure we’d like to know more – like what adoption barriers Expensify faces at your company – but let’s face it, in the Internet age our attention span is about as short as a hamster’s memory capacity is small. So go ahead. Now’s your chance. The comment gate is wide open!

We’d like to hear from you on these topics because you – that’s right YOU – are the maverick employees helping us lead the charge against arcane norms in the expense reporting world. You – whether you know it or not – are out on the front lines fighting with us against awkward “solutions” that weren’t intended to make expense reporting easy, like Excel or the manila folder.

The Battle of Excel

The Battle Against Excel (Dramatic Re-enactment)

Now if you’d read this far…then congrats to you! You’re a rare breed; most people don’t make it here. We’d love to hear interesting success stories that your entire company has had using Expensify. In fact, WE’RE HAPPY TO FEATURE YOU ON THIS BLOG!

If you’re shy, then no problem. Contact us at or Share your feedback and success stories with us!

Up next week: We’ll respond to what everyone had to say and keep the conversation going. Until then, don’t be shy! Contribute in your own way. We want to make our compelling product even more so. Together, we can make something that’s doesn’t suck!