Archives For November 30, 1999

“Best offshore I’ve been on since the last offshore,” — a software engineer or sales team veteran.

expensify group photo in lagos

The team beachside.

Regardless of who actually said that, they’re not far from the truth: Offshore 2014 was packed with long 12-hour working days mixed with weekends filled with sightseeing and sunbathing. We got elbows deep in Portugal’s cod and port wine culture, participated in a Portuguese version of the running of the bulls, bunkered up at a restored monastery for a week, enjoyed a live fado performance, and much, much more.  Continue Reading…

Our team is like one big, happy family, so every new hire means welcoming another member to the Expensify family. In July alone, the Expensify team grew a crazy 26%, bringing the total number of full-time employees from 24 people in January to our current number at 45.

Expensify Hiring, Team Update, Announcements Continue Reading…

Mothers Don’t Worry: We’re Family

 —  January 15, 2014 — 4 Comments
Nomming on pizza in Zagreb, Croatia.  Photo by Robert.

Nomming on pizza in Zagreb, Croatia. Photo by Robert.

When I moved to San Francisco in 2011 for Expensify, I was moving across the country to a city where I knew a whopping two people amongst a city of 825,000. Those two really adopted me at first and helped introduce me to a number of great people. However, being passionate about what I was doing had me working really late hours and so our schedules just never lined up.  Continue Reading…

Expensify is unusual in many ways.  But one of our most well documented oddities is our habit of taking the whole company overseas for a month.  There are a huge range of reasons to do this: to work, to play, to finish off the year before, and to get inspired for the year ahead.  But regardless of your reason, here are some hard-learned tips for making the habit work for you:  Continue Reading…