Archives For November 30, 1999

This is my guest post written for LinkedIn Pulse, enjoy!

boss-hoggEverybody loves to rave about the bossless workplace, but it’s far more easily said than done. I’ve already written about the perils of the “flat management mutiny” — which comes as you emerge a leadership structure out of flat chaos — but it’s even harder going the other direction: dismantling an over-managed “top-heavy” structure and getting back to its roots. Here are some tips to pull it off in your organization:  Continue Reading…

What do you mean we can't build it?

What do you mean we won’t support that customer?

Note: This is my guest post, originally published in Pando Daily.

Flat management structures are all the rage, and with good reason: innovation is the lifeblood of a startup, and nothing kills innovation like micromanagement. But scaling a flat management structure is harder than it seems. Plenty has already been written about the risks of accidentally creating the stuff of highschool nightmares, but even if you dodge those bullets you’re in for a little discussed treat: full out mutiny of your team.  Continue Reading…