Archives For November 30, 1999

Working in Croatia

 —  November 21, 2013 — 7 Comments

Some shots of us working (I swear we’re working) in Croatia from various, random locations.

Outside Dubrovnik

Outside Dubrovnik ( Credit Robert Chen )

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Expensify is unusual in many ways.  But one of our most well documented oddities is our habit of taking the whole company overseas for a month.  There are a huge range of reasons to do this: to work, to play, to finish off the year before, and to get inspired for the year ahead.  But regardless of your reason, here are some hard-learned tips for making the habit work for you:  Continue Reading…

Thailand Thus Far…

 —  October 8, 2012 — Leave a comment

So its been a few days for us, and Thailand is incredible. While work has been about the same (it really is true, we can work anywhere there is internet!), being able to explore Bangkok during lunch is amazing. Truly an adventure and an awesome way to break up the work day.

There are lots of little excursions we have collectively gone on and I have tried to put together a few of these pictures. My personal favorite adventure so far: Wine bar. Keep reading for the story below.

Honestly the pictures below barely begin to encapsulate how much fun it is to just walk around and explore. The temples you stumble upon are incredible, the markets are eye opening and the company is delightful. Seriously, how is this real life?

ImageLost in Bangkok
ImageStreet decorations
More street decorations
Right off the river boat into the heart of Bangkok
Passing by on the river taxi
Such cool clouds.
Dark Alley
Temple we weren’t allowed into because SOMEONE was wearing a tank top.
Fancy Wine Bar in Bangkok, maybe a little too fancy for us?

After mentioning a withdrawal from wine, David suggests we go to a wine bar downtown last night. Five of us cram into a 4 person cab, and it becomes very clear that communication with our driver is going to be an issue. With 4 of us uncomfortably squished in the back, David has the directions pulled up on his phone, but we still got out of the cab incredulous that we had made it (and severely cramped). When we get to the restaurant/wine bar (Opus, highly recommend it!) we realized we are considerably underdressed than the rest of the population. We had somehow wandered out of our hostel and its corresponding casual atmosphere into a beautiful, high end restaurant in which several of the patrons may have poo-poo-ed our obvious back-packing attire.  Oops. Anyways in the background you can see the beautiful wine cellar they have where you can go hand select which bottles you would like to enjoy. We were also unaware that you were supposed to leave the bottle there and tell your server the bottle we preferred. We basically committed 8 faux pas in an hour.

Below are Shawn’s pictures from this market we wandered around. Saw a lot of weird stuff….

And below we have the Lumphinee Stadium for Muay Thai. Highlights? The stadium is not air conditioned and while it was pouring rain, several sections were shut down due to roof leaks. Oh, also, the violence. Two fighters left the ring in wheel chairs, one on a stretcher (that one made me cry) and one with his arm broken. While it was a little tooooo violent for my taste, I think the guys had fun [especially capturing pictures of me crying which will never see the light of day].

Thanks JKruse for the idea…definitely a unique experience
Thats all for now! Updates to come as we explore the beach.
And finally, here we are, Day One at West Railay Beach.