Archives For November 30, 1999

Once a month, Humans of Expensify will profile one of our team members, because behind every great expense report, there is an even greater human.

“My political philosophy is what I call ‘libertarian anarchism.’

It’s not an official title but I like that it captures the political philosophy of libertarianism and also aligns itself with the rockstar defiance of anarchism. It’s descriptive but gets a reaction, which I like. And I grew up in a family where coming out on top of an argument was a primary virtue.

I think words are extremely powerful and just by choosing a particular label it can set people off to instantly dismiss your perspective or open your mind to think of things in a different way.

Starting those conversations is why I have consciously adopted that label. A lot of people think that they know what a libertarian is and it can be based on a sort of caricature – a reflexive reaction, especially on the west coast, that liberal is good and right wing is bad.

So this title gives me the opportunity to weaken that knee-jerk reaction.

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Once a month, Humans of Expensify will profile one of our team members, because behind every great expense report, there is an even greater human.

“It’s a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike ride and a 26.2 mile run.

I did the Ironman three years ago, and last year my wife and I went to Spain for one of her Ironman races. We actually met doing a triathlon and we take turns training for races.

It’s important to have a counterbalance to work. At Expensify, we all live and breathe Expensify, and I think that’s awesome, but at the same time it’s important to have other things too. For me, this is that other thing.

I’m always that person who needs a hobby. I like competing with myself — you can’t lie to yourself and towards the end you have to find the endurance and motivation out of nowhere.

I think the human body is amazing and can do crazy things and yes, there’s a physical barrier and training is necessary, but my big belief is that the mental stuff is the only thing that can hold you back.


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Have you ever wondered what it feels like to live with 30 of your coworkers?

For Expensify, that’s crossed off our bucket list! We do our annual (totally optional) offshore abroad, but it’s never been on this level in size and scope (not to mention, we don’t all live together under one roof on the offshore). Last week, we spent seven days in the Upper Peninsula, Michigan eating, working, sleeping, and then some; fun was just the tip of the iceberg.  Continue Reading…

Mothers Don’t Worry: We’re Family

 —  January 15, 2014 — 4 Comments
Nomming on pizza in Zagreb, Croatia.  Photo by Robert.

Nomming on pizza in Zagreb, Croatia. Photo by Robert.

When I moved to San Francisco in 2011 for Expensify, I was moving across the country to a city where I knew a whopping two people amongst a city of 825,000. Those two really adopted me at first and helped introduce me to a number of great people. However, being passionate about what I was doing had me working really late hours and so our schedules just never lined up.  Continue Reading…


One cool perk of working in Silicon Valley is the surprisingly frequent, totally random, super awesome outing.  In this particular case, Oracle gave us one of their box suites for a Warriors game.  Basketball is one of the greatest sports to watch live.  But it’s even greater when you have your own private buffet, liquor cabinet, and access to a very extensive wine list.  (And on that last note, we were going to be reasonable by asking for the least expensive Cabernet Sauvignon, to which our Oracle host scoffed and pulled his finger down to the bottom of the list.  “We’ll have that one.”)

306523_10151287337005610_164113581_nName: Will Demaine

Alter ego/Nickname: Crispy D

Hometown: Nottingham, England

Role(s) at Expensify: American/English translator (and occasional software engineer)

Expensify Start Date: September 2012

What is/has been your favorite project to participate on at Expensify?

Sneaking English-isms into as many places on the site as possible. Cheers…  Continue Reading…

I hope everyone is getting ready for some relaxing downtime in the next week. We kicked off the holiday season with an evening as a team at Frances, with Executive Chef Melissa Perello cooking an incredible dinner for us.  Plus we dressed in formal attire which was pretty exciting to see each other all dolled up. Tis the season for some company loving!

Robert gives his toast looking quite dapper

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Thailand Thus Far…

 —  October 8, 2012 — Leave a comment

So its been a few days for us, and Thailand is incredible. While work has been about the same (it really is true, we can work anywhere there is internet!), being able to explore Bangkok during lunch is amazing. Truly an adventure and an awesome way to break up the work day.

There are lots of little excursions we have collectively gone on and I have tried to put together a few of these pictures. My personal favorite adventure so far: Wine bar. Keep reading for the story below.

Honestly the pictures below barely begin to encapsulate how much fun it is to just walk around and explore. The temples you stumble upon are incredible, the markets are eye opening and the company is delightful. Seriously, how is this real life?

ImageLost in Bangkok
ImageStreet decorations
More street decorations
Right off the river boat into the heart of Bangkok
Passing by on the river taxi
Such cool clouds.
Dark Alley
Temple we weren’t allowed into because SOMEONE was wearing a tank top.
Fancy Wine Bar in Bangkok, maybe a little too fancy for us?

After mentioning a withdrawal from wine, David suggests we go to a wine bar downtown last night. Five of us cram into a 4 person cab, and it becomes very clear that communication with our driver is going to be an issue. With 4 of us uncomfortably squished in the back, David has the directions pulled up on his phone, but we still got out of the cab incredulous that we had made it (and severely cramped). When we get to the restaurant/wine bar (Opus, highly recommend it!) we realized we are considerably underdressed than the rest of the population. We had somehow wandered out of our hostel and its corresponding casual atmosphere into a beautiful, high end restaurant in which several of the patrons may have poo-poo-ed our obvious back-packing attire.  Oops. Anyways in the background you can see the beautiful wine cellar they have where you can go hand select which bottles you would like to enjoy. We were also unaware that you were supposed to leave the bottle there and tell your server the bottle we preferred. We basically committed 8 faux pas in an hour.

Below are Shawn’s pictures from this market we wandered around. Saw a lot of weird stuff….

And below we have the Lumphinee Stadium for Muay Thai. Highlights? The stadium is not air conditioned and while it was pouring rain, several sections were shut down due to roof leaks. Oh, also, the violence. Two fighters left the ring in wheel chairs, one on a stretcher (that one made me cry) and one with his arm broken. While it was a little tooooo violent for my taste, I think the guys had fun [especially capturing pictures of me crying which will never see the light of day].

Thanks JKruse for the idea…definitely a unique experience
Thats all for now! Updates to come as we explore the beach.
And finally, here we are, Day One at West Railay Beach.

When I took my shoes off and walked around the office in my lovely yellow argyle socks, no one batted an eye lash. I knew this was a good place to be.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, a rapidly moving start up where intern folk like myself get to deploy live code, free lunches in a city where you can try a new place everyday, and working with talented, genuine, and all-around cool people were wonderful parts of the job. But boy did I cherish my barefoot walks around the office!

I think the bigger point, though, is that Expensify is an awesome company with awesome people, and I couldn’t have asked for a better internship experience. For starters, I worked on a product loved by millions. All my CS buddies were testing software at their internships; I was extremely fortunate in getting the chance to write it. In a measly 6 months, I went from barely programming to totally programming, and Expensify gave me the room and environment to build that critical programming foundation that I think school just can’t provide.

But — to my benefit — it gets better. The people I worked with pushed me in the right way, challenged my ideas, and always helped when I needed it. It didn’t matter if it was 10 AM or 10 PM, I knew I could always ask Matt why I was getting a 500 error when it turned out to be a missing bracket. I was given real ownership of the projects I worked on. I was ultimately responsible for the projects I’ve started, and it’s been so surreal that Expensify gave me the chance and opportunity to succeed.

I only hope that wherever I go next is as cool a place like Expensify. I’ve not only learned valuable knowledge, I’ve made some really cool friends along the way and I can’t wait to see how our paths cross in the future.

1. Instagram the picture of the new keys. Make it artsy so your friends will think you are creative. 

Reality: taken in the elevator on top of an envelope and made to look edgy.

2. Cram into the elevator and make sure you bring some booze.

Riding the old elevator for the final time as a group was bitter sweet (really it was just sweet…those elevators are the slowest I have ever experienced)

3. Capture the moment of opening the door for the first time.

And make sure you look adorably excited as you do it.

4. Christen the new office.

How else do we christen a new office? Whiskey shots was the perfect way to make ourselves feel at home in our snazzy new (read: larger) office.

5. Appreciate the view from the new digs.

Yes this photo is also instagrammed. You know you like it. But seriously, how majestic is the fog rolling in??